Ilene A. Serlin, Ph.D, BC-DMT is a licensed psychologist and registered dance/movement therapist in practice in San Francisco and Marin county. She is the past president of the San Francisco Psychological Association, a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, pastpresident of the Division of Humanistic Psychology. Ilene Serlin has taught at Saybrook University, Lesley University, UCLA, the NY Gestalt Institute and the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich. She is the editor of Whole Person Healthcare (2007, 3 vol., Praeger), over 100 chapters and articles on body, art and psychotherapy, and is on the editorial boards of PsycCritiques, the American Dance Therapy Journal, the Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Arts & Health: An International Journal of Research, Policy and Practice, Journal of Applied Arts and Health, and The Humanistic Psychologist.
Click here to visit Dr. Serlin's website.
To read Dr. Serlin's recent chapter that was published, click here.
Dr. Ilene A. Serlin
Dr. Pamela J. McCrory
Pamela J. McCrory, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist in independent practice in Calabasas, California and is clinical instructor in the Semel Institute for Neuroscience & Human Behavior, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine. For fifteen years she taught psychotherapy at California State University, Northridge in the Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling and in the Clinical Art Therapy Program at Loyola Maymount University. She is past president and current chair of the Colleague Awareness Resources and Education (CARE) Committee of the Los Angeles County Psychological Association and co-founded the Mirrors of the Mind Project. She is coeditor the book Mirrors of the Mind 2: The Psychotherapist as Artist. She has written and presented on the integration of psychology and the arts, arts and social action, creativity, and life-span development. Dr. McCrory is a member of APA Division 10, Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts. She was Co-Chair of the Task Group for the community art sculpture which was constructed during the 122nd APA Convention. She co-designed and edited the eBook, Uniting Psychology: Express Yourself, commemorating this project in which thousands of psychologists participated.
Sunday, March 15, 2015 from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Location: Alliant International University, 1000 S. Fremont Ave, Alhambra CA 91803
6 CEU Credits*
Dance Therapy, Creativity, & Self-Care Workshop
The Presenters
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Upcoming Training:
Dance movement therapy is a creative, mind/body approach that is cost-effective, age-old, and client-centered, and a powerful ways to work with trauma and PTSD. Since trauma is a crisis of humanity and mortality, speechless terror in the body, and about stuckness, numbness, fragmentation and inability to play, we need nonverbal, creative, dramatic, rhythmic and integrative approaches. Therapeutic outcomes of this work can help: Heal body/mind split from dehumanizing terror; be a creative means for containing, discharging and rechanneling aggression; strengthen individual and community resilience and connections; decrease compassion fatigue and caregiver burnout; increase family communication and support; bridge multicultural symbolic forms; symbolize traumatic losses and hopes for the future; and establish connection between the body and the brain. This workshop trains therapists to become familiar with the use of dance movement therapy to work with trauma and PTSD.
About the Training
$75 (early bird rate)
$95 (regular price - after March 1, 2015)
* Alliant International University is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Alliant International University maintains responsibility for the program and its content. Alliant International University is approved by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences to provide continuing education for MFTs and LCSWs (provider # PCE234). Alliant International University is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing to provide continuing education for Nurses (provider # CEP11235).
$45 (early bird rate)
$65 (regular price - after March 1, 2015)
Refund policy: Full refund up to two weeks prior to event, after which a $25 processing fee will be charged.
Caring for ourselves as psychologists is central to our effectiveness in caring for others. What helps therapists and students to thrive, be resistant to stressors and live long, healthy lives? Involvement in activities involving creativity and the arts offer meaning, purpose and connection. Art is a universal way to make meaning of our experience, to enlarge our world, to create an opportunity for empathy and to celebrate our shared humanity as well as our diverse perspectives. Evidence which supports the benefits of engagement in the arts will be presented. We will explore the ways in which engaging in creative process can enliven, build community, enhance well being and be an effective method of self care. Creative engagement can contribute to professional competence and to the mastery of developmental tasks through the professional lifespan. Therapists at all stages of professional development can harness their creativity to cross-fertilize, heal, and renew through self-expression.
Co-sponsored by UCLArts and Healing. In partnership with LACPA and SFPA.